Wooing the hostile beast within

September 30, 2021 â€" 6.05am

Last Thursday night when the Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, whose seat of Kooyong has been targeted by Greens and cashed-up independents, rang the Resources Minister Keith Pitt to advise him he would deliver a speech the next day which effectively backed net zero by warning of serious economic and investment consequences if Australia failed to move, Pitt was not impressed.

Pitt warned Frydenberg he ran the risk of “blowing up the show”. Frydenberg knows only too well Pitt knows something about that. The Queensland National resigned as an assistant minister in 2018 in protest over the National Energy Guarantee that Frydenberg as environment and energy minister was negotiating.

Josh Frydenberg has thrown his weight behind the adoption of net zero emissions by 2050.

Josh Frydenberg has thrown his weight behind the adoption of net zero emissions by 2050.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

The breakdown over the NEG was the trigger which cost Malcolm Turnbull the prime ministership a week later. This time Pitt is waiting to see Scott Morrison’s plan before he decides his next steps but makes no secret that he implacably opposes net zero.

It was shaping as deja vu all over again, then Gladys Berejiklian, John Barilaro and Matt Kean in NSW provided, without drama or conflict, a sensible roadmap which Morrison could follow to protect the economy and the environment to get to net zero by 2030. And it didn’t sound that hard.

Morrison, more cautious and fully cognisant of how and why Turnbull fell, now has little choice but to give the Nationals what they want to secure majority agreement for, at the very least, a net zero emissions target by 2050, and if he was really brave, by 2030.

After being usurped by the premiers on COVID, he cannot afford to look as if he has been neutered by the Nats on climate.

Illustration by John Shakespeare.

Illustration by John Shakespeare.Credit:

Most Nationals â€" excluding Pitt, Matt Canavan and George Christensen â€" are open to supporting a target setting a precondition of no job losses. They wait for Morrison to convince them.

“At some point Morrison will have to present us with a plan,” another senior National said. As to when that would be or what it might contain, he didn’t have a clue.

“He is a man of mystery,” he said of the Prime Minister’s modus operandi. “He wants to control everything and cut us out of everything.”

He was optimistic the seemingly irreconcilable differences between the Nationals, then between Nationals and Liberals could be resolved if Morrison came up with something â€" not welfare â€" which protects farmers, the resources sector and the regional towns which depend on them.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

Morrison has left it late to confront a much more volatile situation federally. Parliament resumes in two weeks, there is an election on the near horizon, and the COP26 summit in Glasgow in November. Morrison shows how uncertain he is about an outcome by musing he might not go to Glasgow because, he says, his country needs him to stay home to manage the reopening after the bleak winter lockdowns.

Actually, after a few inevitable miscalculations given the complexities of dealing with the pandemic, Berejiklian, Daniel Andrews and ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr coped well enough during Morrison’s absence in the US. They have his number, he is a world-renowned texter and they know he is only one personal contact away.

Also there is little he can say or do to make WA or Queensland open up any sooner, so other than stand at Hume Highway border crossings with a lollipop sign it’s hard to think what practical physical assistance he could provide if he stayed.

Anyway as Morrison himself keeps saying, anyone who thinks the prime minister only has one thing at a time to do, clearly isn’t up to the job.

If he allows himself to get spooked by rampaging Nationals and the handful of Liberals who oppose net zero, then baulks at adopting a target, he risks the loss of urban Liberal seats (North Sydney, Wentworth and Mackellar in NSW and Kooyong and Flinders in Victoria) to independents who will use climate change to woo disaffected moderate Liberal voters â€" the kind who would agree with Turnbull’s eviscerating character assessment of Morrison and who are less likely to be taken in by Nancy Pelosi’s typically ill-informed American views about Australian politics.

Proving her ignorance, just before she lavished praise on Morrison for his leadership on climate change, the Speaker of the US House of Representatives was overheard asking staff what ANZUS stood for. No one has ever accused him of leading on climate change. Maybe she got it confused with AUKUS.

Even Morrison thought it was a joke. He laughed when he told Australians at drinks later how surprised he was by her comments.

Meanwhile Barnaby Joyce, who tipped Michael McCormack out of the leadership by promising to take a tougher stand against Morrison, once occasionally eccentrically illogical, has become almost completely incoherent, unable to stop his party splintering around him.

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce.

Nationals MP Barnaby Joyce. Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

Nationals MPs are disturbed by his increasingly bizarre performances, speculating privately about the reasons for it. A few concede it is possible there could be moves against Joyce’s leadership before the election. They bridle at Matt Canavan’s seemingly Svengali-like influence towards him.

After a texting war on Signal with George Christensen over Christensen’s disgraceful posts on the Victorian anti-lockdown demonstrations, Darren Chester decided to take a break from the Nationals.

It was the last of many straws for Chester, who was also outraged when in late June Joyce appeared to mock Victorians suffering from the pandemic by saying “you can almost smell the burning flesh from here”. You would think such a remark on the plight of fellow Australians would disqualify a politician from national leadership.

Joyce and Morrison have been woefully inadequate in their condemnation of Christensen’s loopy postings, dating back to the beginning of the year when Morrison defended Christensen’s right to free speech.

They have an ethical and moral duty to Australians to stand up for decent values, yet their reticence has helped breed contempt from their MPs not only against science on climate and medicine and for institutions, but for inner-urban Liberals like Frydenberg and the people they represent.

Niki Savva is a regular columnist. She is a former adviser to John Howard and Peter Costello.

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Niki Savva is an award-winning political commentator and author. She was also a staffer to former prime minister John Howard and former treasurer Peter Costello.

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