PM briefs federal MPs on net zero as Nationals raise new fears

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has briefed federal MPs on cutting greenhouse gas emissions to net zero as soon as 2050 amid Liberal anger at Nationals colleagues raising new fears over the cost of reaching the target.

Mr Morrison spoke to Coalition backbenchers on Tuesday in an informal conference call ahead of a decision within weeks on whether to endorse the 2050 deadline in time for a United Nations climate summit that starts on November 1.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison spoke to Coalition backbenchers on Tuesday in an informal conference call.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison spoke to Coalition backbenchers on Tuesday in an informal conference call.Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

But former Nationals resources minister Matt Canavan cited a transport crisis in the United Kingdom as proof of the danger of endorsing net zero, sparking a riposte from Liberal colleague Jason Falinski.

Liberals also took issue with Nationals cabinet minister Bridget McKenzie after she criticised Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and prominent backbencher Dave Sharma for advocating action on climate and saying calls for net zero were the “worst kind of vacuousness” on policy.

With Liberals and Nationals at odds over a core policy ahead of the election, Mr Morrison and Mr Frydenberg held the briefing with MPs who had asked for an update on policy after the Prime Minister’s visit to New York and Washington DC last week.

MPs declined to comment on Mr Morrison’s remarks to the group but emerged from the meeting saying they believed the government would be able to adopt the target of net zero emissions by 2050 in the weeks ahead.

One Liberal said net zero was not only possible but also essential when financial markets could punish countries that did not act on climate and when voters might also punish governments that did not act.

Asked about Senator McKenzie’s remarks, another MP said: “She needs to resign from cabinet if that’s the way she’s going to carry on.”

Mr Sharma avoided any reflection on the Nationals cabinet minister but emphasised the national interest in acting on climate.

“I’m not interested in stoking a city versus country divide over this issue, or denigrating one group of Australians and setting them against another,” Mr Sharma said.

Senator Canavan posted a photograph on social media of empty shelves in a British supermarket to suggest the food shortage was linked to the country’s climate target, but Mr Falinski disputed that claim.

“You will find out this has been caused by a truck driver shortage brought on by Brexit followed by the pandemic and exacerbated due to the longstanding Blair government overbearing union regulations,” Mr Falinski posted in reply.

While Resources Minister Keith Pitt warned against the idea of shutting down the coal industry, other Nationals appeared open to a negotiation on the payments to be made to farmers and others in order to endorse the net zero goal.

Agriculture Minister and Nationals deputy leader David Littleproud said he believed Mr Morrison would only adopt the target if rural and regional people were protected.

“As he’s said from the very start, he doesn’t intend to institute net zero emissions by 2050 if regional Australia is hurt, and I take his word on it,” Mr Littleproud told Sky News.

“He’s shown every indication that he will be a man of his word with everything he’s dealt with the National Party, so I’m confident that we’re going to stick to our technology road map.”

Mr Littleproud cited the reductions in emissions in Australia under previous UN agreements to warn about slower action by other countries.

“We’ve got a great record, and this self-loathing in this country, of Australia not being at the lead of reducing emissions, has to stop,” Mr Littleproud said.

Federal statistics released on August 31 showed emissions had fallen 20.8 per cent below the levels of 2005, although the Climate Council says reductions in land clearing have made up 111 million of the 122 million tonnes cut.

Climate activist Greta Thunberg criticised New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern last weekend because that country’s emissions had not fallen.

“It’s funny that people believe Jacinda Ardern and people like that are climate leaders. That just tells you how little people know about the climate crisis,” Ms Thunberg told The Guardian.

Figures from New Zealand’s statistics agency released last October showed net emissions, including land-use change, had fallen from 55.9 million tonnes in 2005 to 55.5 million tonnes in 2018, a decline of 0.7 per cent.

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David Crowe is chief political correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.Connect via Twitter or email.Rob Harris is the national affairs editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based at Parliament House in CanberraConnect via email.

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